If you're watching a movie with someone, and you know NEITHER of you have ever seen it, please, do not insist on asking your fellow viewer why a character did what they just did.
I have no idea why. Just like you.
But, it does spark a little sarcastic flame inside of me. A slightly enraged flame, that questions whether I should interrupt the movie back, and lead them on entirely different plot development path than the writers and director had originally intended for them.
"Gee, why on earth was she mean to that poor guy??"
"Well. It's probably because he's her estranged brother who smothered their parents in their sleep."
"Well, they didn't DIRECTLY say that, but you could tell based on the subtle nuances that that's what they really were trying to elude to,"
"Well, they didn't DIRECTLY say that, but you could tell based on the subtle nuances that that's what they really were trying to elude to,"
I find if I use slightly more thesaurus-esque words, it makes me more believable. More.. trusting. Like a Department Store Santa in Utah , who's not black.
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